
Showing posts from March, 2010

You Don’t Need Math Skills To Be A Good Developer But You Do Need Them To Be A Great One

Science, Art and writing "It’s just that I perceive science—the disciplined pursuit of truth—to be a higher calling than spinning imaginative tales, no matter how vivid, innovative, or even deeply moving those tales may turn out to be." "Science gives man what he needs, But magic gives him what he wants." "At its core, criticism is the only antidote that human beings have discovered against error. It is the chief method that a skilled person can use to become “even better.” The key to discovering correctable errors before you commit a work to press. But criticism hurts! A deep and pervasive flaw in human character makes all of us resistant to the one thing that can help us to do better. The only solution? Learn to grow up. To hold your head high, develop a thick skin, and take it."

It's Not About Lines of Code

The sheer banality of tomorrow

Why the demise of civilisation may be inevitable

Interactive Health Tutorials

We’re all alone and no one knows why.